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Pet Orthopedic Surgery and Treatment in Nanaimo & Vancouver Island

Did your pet break or dislocate a bone? Consult with us at Mahalo Veterinary Hospital in Nanaimo for pet orthopedic surgery and treatment. Dogs with hereditary conditions such as hip dysplasia are predispositioned to injuries. These conditions may require corrective surgery. We provide a range of veterinary orthopedic services for spinal disc disorders, joint problems, and other issues that may be affecting the bones of your pet’s body. Call us today to book an appointment.


Our Veterinary Orthopedic Services

Our veterinary orthopedic surgeon can provide the following services for your pet:

Patellar luxation

Hip excision arthroplasty (FHO)

 Cranial cruciate injury by TTA (in house) or TPLO (by referral) 

Complex fracture repair

Lateral suture CCL repair

Arthroscopic treatment of elbow FCP/OCD, shoulder OCD or “rotator cuff” injuries, hock OCD, stifle OCD

Did Your Pet Take a Fall and Break Their Leg?

We can attend to the fractured leg and help restore its function.

Company Information

Mahalo Veterinary Hospital

3-5767 Turner Rd.

Longwood Station,

Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6L8

Phone:  250-824-1444


Fax: 250-824-1447


Monday 8 AM to 8 PM

Tuesday 8 AM to 8 PM

Wednesday  8 AM to 8 PM

Thursday  8 AM to 8 PM

Friday  8 AM to 8 PM

Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM

Sunday by Appt.  

If this is an emergency, call 250-824-1444 and you will be referred to a veterinarian for immediate assistance.


Nanaimo and Vancouver Island area


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